The Programmer Overview
  • 01 Aug 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Dark

The Programmer Overview

  • Dark

Article summary

The Programmer window is the main area in LED CTRL where programming effects are created and viewed on playback.

The Programmer window has 4 main workspaces each illustrated below. 

Programmer main canvas

The main canvas is in the centre of the window (highlighted in red below) and has 7 subtabs: LEDs, Flexi Mapper (the default), Attributes, Presets, Live Colours, Timing and Dynamics:

Programmer main

Groups pane

The left hand pane is for the management and selection of Pixel Groups:

Programmer groups

Direct Control pane

The bottom pane is the Direct Control area, where colours and intensity can be set manually for each LED and Direct FX can be created for colour and intensity effects.

Programmer direct control

Media Control pane

The right hand pane is the Media Control area, where media can be mapped and generated for application to the LEDs.

Programmer media